Nade iz inkubatora

Kada su se sredinom 1978 godine okupili kao bend hteli su da  na subotičku rok scenu unesu nešto novo. Nisu imali neko posebno znanje, a nekoliko meseci nisu uspeli ni da se dogovore kako će se zvati. Pred prvu svirku, iste te godine “Krstio” ih je organizator koncerta u subotičkom domu “Omladine i pionira”, verovatno smatrajući da će biti atraktivno na plakatu. Inspiracija mu je bila i činjenica da su bili jedina nova grupa na tom koncertu a njima se ime dopalo pa su ostali “NADE IZ INKUBATORA”.

Tokom narednih desetak godina uz frontmena Dragana Jakovčevića(gitara, vokal) članovi benda sa najdužim stažom su bili Rade Simetić, Dejan Vučković (Bubnjevi), Gardil Djula(gitara), Branko Prčić, Zoran Vilov (bas gitara). Nade iz inkubatora su “prve laste” panka. Te 1978. godine kada su se okupili i prvi put nastupili slušali su Sex Pistols i Clash. Godinu dana nakon prvog nastupa uglavnom su se sretali u subotičkom prigradskom naselju Bikovo, jer su odlučili da uče i napreduju. Svirali su pesme drugih bendova, a potom su se posvetili svojoj autorskoj muzici. Nastupali su na gitarijadama i koncertima u subotičkim mesnim zjednicama, na programima “Gat in the Night”, “Sva ta muzika” itd. Na gitarijadi u Zmajevu su 1984. godine stigli do finala, medju 6 najboljih bendova, iako su po mnogima bili favoriti. Pesme: “Proleteri” i “U Stambulu” tada već postaju prepoznatljive i odlično prolaze na koncertima. Uz prilično ekscentrične i provokative nastupe. Muzičku orijentaciju “harmoničniji punk zvuk”, kako je to Dragan to tada opisao, “Nade iz inkubatora” su postale poznate i po, za ono vreme, avangardnim i slobodni tekstovima pesama.

Najbliže većem uspehu “Nade iz inkubatora” su bile 1987. godine nakon “Zaječarske gitarjade”. Pred oduševljenom publikom koja se okuplja oko tvrdjeg zvuka bend je odlično odsvirao 3 pesme na polufinalnoj večeri i lako i zasluženo ušao u finale. Na velikom, završnom koncertu “Nade iz inkubatora” ponovo dižu publiku na noge, ali ostaju bez nagrade stručnog žirija. Za utehu, publika ih proglašava najboljima, a u kuolarima beogradskih rok kritičara ostala je priča da bi sve bilo drugacije da Dragan u finalu nije pevao već hit pesmu “U Stambolu”,  koja odlično prolazi kod publike, ali se stručnom žiriju nije “uklopila” u koncept kompletnog nastupa. Iako im je obećano snimanje LP ploče, iako su dobili dugo očekivani publicitet, “Nade iz inkubatora” nisu iskoristile uspeh na Zaječarskoj gitarijadi” za dalji proboj na Jugoslovenskoj rok sceni. Bend potom napušta nekoliko članova pa “Nade iz inkubatora” narednih nekoliko godina nastupaju kao trio. Posle nastupa u Osijeku 1988. godine bend prestaje sa javnim nasupima.

Nakon dugogodišnje pauze, bend se ponovo okupio i nastavio sa radom…….

Pored starih članova Dragana Jakovčevića (gitara i vokal), Dejana Vučkovića (bubnjevi) i Djule Gardila (gitara i prateći vokal), bendu su pridružio basista Zoran Popadić.



Dragan Jakocevic – secanje na festival Omladina

Proleteri – Lavirint 2007.

Pank koncert – Lavirint

Sam protiv svih – Varošarije 80-tih


Nade iz inkubatora - Prvi pank bend

Nade iz inkubatora - tekst



They gathered in mid – 1978 with a desire to offer something new to the music scene in Subotica. Without prior experience and music education, at the beginning, they couldn’t even agree about the name of the band. After several months, that is, before the first performance, they were “baptized” by the concert organizer who probably believed that the name would sound tempting. As inspiration, he served the fact that they were the only new group on the stage. Since liked the given name, they remained as “Hopes from the Incubator” .

They gathered in mid – 1978 with a desire to offer something new to the music scene in Subotica. Without prior experience and music education, at the beginning, they couldn’t even agree about the name of the band. After several months, that is, before the first performance, they were “baptized” by the concert organizer who probably believed that the name would sound tempting. As inspiration, he served the fact that they were the only new group on the stage. Since liked the given name, they remained as “Hopes from the Incubator” . Over the next ten years, beside lead singer and guitar player – Dragan Jakovcevic, members with the longest experience in the band were: Rade Simetic, Dejan Vuckovic (drums), Djula Gardil (guitar), Branko Prcic and Zoran Vilov (bas guitar). “Hopes” are considered to be among the first punk groups in the former Yugoslavia. In 1978, when their career officially began, they were under influence of already established and world famous bands like: Sex Pistols and Clash. One year after debut, they started to gather in outskirts of Subotica known as Bikovo, where they were practicing and learning. At first, they played songs of other bands, later they became dedicated to making their own music. “Hopes from the Incubator” mostly performed on the concerts in Subotica’s local communities. Also, they participated in festivals known as “Gat in the Night”, “All That Music”, etc. At the guitar competition held in Zmajevo, in 1984, they reached finals although considered to be the best. Songs such as: “Proletarians” and “In Stambol”, became well known and recognized while playing on the stage. With a rather eccentric and provocative performances as well as “harmonious sound of punk” – as Dragan once described it, “Hopes” also became known of avant-garde song lyrics. The greatest success they achieved in 1987, on the guitar festival in Zajecar. In front of the enthusiastic audience who preferred harder sound, they played three songs and deservedly reached finals. During the last festival night they set fire to the audience again but left without official reward. However, according to the very same audience, “Hopes from the Incubator” were elected as winners of the festival, which was considered to be a consolation prize. In Belgrade informal music circles some claimed that the final standings could have been different if Dragan didn’t played the song “In Stambol” because according to the jury, it didn’t fit into the concept of the festival. With the long awaited publicity and promise to record an LP, “Hopes from the Incubator” didn’t use success of Zajecar guitar festival for further breakthrough on the former Yugoslavia rock scene. After several members left the band, they continued to perform as a trio. In 1988 “Hopes” held their last performance in Osijek.

After decades of delay, Dragan re-gathered ex band members in order to hold their comeback concert called “When the dead man cried”. The success of the performance is best illustrated by the fact that many fans left outside the hall.

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